Korean Language in Contemporary Society
위키피디아에서 확인한 활당한 내용....
The following are examples, along with the romanization and meaning:[1][2]
엣지녀 (edge-nyo)- an attractive woman who is justifiable herself and knows her
own mind
광클 (kwang-kul)- shortened version of saying clicking of mouse
rapidly in Korean
낚시 (nakk-si)- a word that refers to an act that tricks
people with false titles and information that do not relate to the article
(leal) - a word that means real (same with English), but pronounced with Korean
와방 (wa-bang) – very, extremely, much
갑툭튀 (kab-tuk-twi) -
abbreviation of suddenly appearing in Korean (갑자기 툭 튀어나오다)
깜놀 (kkap-nol) -
abbreviation of being startled all of a sudden in Korean (깜짝놀라다)
(om-chin-a) – abbreviation of mother’s friend’s son in Korean (엄마친구아들). It
figuratively refers to a person who is pretty much good at everything, as well
as the physical feature.
완소 (wan-so) – abbreviation of very precious in
Korean (완전 소중)
자삭 (ja-sak) - abbreviation for self-deleting in Korean (자진
오나전 (o-na-jon) – a word coined because of miss-typing of ‘completely’ in
Korean (완전)
지못미 (ji-mot-mi) – abbreviation of sorry for not being able to protect
you in Korean (지켜주지 못해 미안하다)
귀척 (gwi-chok) – abbreviation of acting lovely in
Korean (귀여운척)
냉무 (naeng-mu) – abbreviation of no content in Korean
넘사벽 (nom-sa-pyok) – description of hardships that follow after talking
to someone who has different code of conversation skill (넘을 수 없는 4차원의 벽)
(ak-dak) – abbreviation of 'ah shut up' in Korean (아 닥치고)
아웃 오브 안중 (out of
an-jung) – phrase coined with English and Korean together. It means Out of
일드 (il-du) – abbreviation of Japanese Drama Episode
미드 (mi-du) –
abbreviation of American Drama Episode
There is no designated person who’s credited in creating Korean slang. One of
the primary reasons as to why it began to develop quickly and abundantly and
become more popular is due to the booming economy that surprised its neighboring
countries, China and Japan. The economic efficiency allowed Koreans to produce a
more shortened version of certain phrases and words. (첨 = 처음)
Just as English
speakers used leet, “an alternative alphabet
for the English language that is primarily used on the Internet” or other forms,
Korean internet slang (인터넷용어) was developed especially during the 1990s, when
the use of technology boomed. Some words were made because people typed them
fast but used the incorrect spelling anyway (뭥미? = 뭐임?). In the 2000s, Koreans
started to use more of the English alphabet, since it was the global language.
Internet games and television shows, such as soap operas, also influence the
everyday language, such as 방꾸똥꾸 from the famous comedy drama “High Kick Through
the Roof” in 2009.
정말 깜놀이군.